Report a Lost or Found Pet
place and/or report a Lost or Found pet listing for Free
We operate Free Lost Pet Registers and Free Found Pet Registers, we have tried to cover as many family pets as possible, so please select the correct pet type and breed for the pet listing, if the breed is unknown a sometimes it is hard to diagnose such breeds, please select the one you think is the closest match. If possible, and this is important, please try and add a photograph when you report the pet as missing or found, this helps greatly in any identifications. You can report a lost pet or report a found pet and it will appear on our pet databases covering the whole of the UK.
Report a Lost Pet

If you have lost a pet and would like to place a pet listing on our website, the first step to take is that you will need to register and create a free account. You are asked to register so that when you report the missing pet listing on our website, you can enter updates and comments. You can also receive pet alerts and notifications and messages from other members.
Report a Found Pet

If you have found a pet and would like to place a found pet listing, then you will need to register to create a free account. This will enable to to contact other members, receive notifications and more. Reporting a found pet can also include a pet you have spotted in your local area, adding a listing like this will give notification that the pet is in the area.
Report a Lost or Found Pet
The UK National Database for Pet Registration, Lost and Found Pets.
Create your account now