Lost Cat Tortoiseshell from Donington Spalding Lincolnshire PE11

This lost Tortoiseshell Cat was last seen around Donington Spalding Lincolnshire PE11

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Missing since 28th September 2019 ..Ferguson is a 15 year old female calico cat (tortoiseshell) she is spade but not chipped, she is missing from church street in donington, Lincolnshire, she never left our garden or the church yard next door to us, she sat in the garden all day everyday till I fetched her in, in the evening for her dinner The night she went missing I fell asleep and didn’t fetch her in. I woke and went to get her at 4am and she wasn’t in her spot, we have never seen her since, we have walked miles, in fields, down ditches , put flyers up. This isn’t like her at all we are so worried and absolutely heartbroken 💔 please help find our baby!

She is a calico cat and very vocal with a loud purr

Missing Tortoiseshell Cats in Donington Spalding
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Missing since28 Aug 2019
Dominant colourMulti-Coloured
Approx age15
Pet Listing ID93011

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