Lost Bird Cockatiel from Bristol Avon BS4
This lost Cockatiel Bird was last seen around Bristol Avon BS4
His name is hassle. He will sing a repeated sound, and can be very loud. He also will make his wings go into the typical heart shape when singing. His most recognisable feature is a long claw that keeps growing long and a purple ankle band. He's a medium sized bird. And will go to some people and will be calling alot. Please help me find him. He is part of a mated pair. He doesn't have his wings clipped obviously as he flew away. I have been told he might of been heard by the mall in bristol. So please keep a look out!! He will call very loudly when he's hungry might go to you for food. His mate is really missing him. She is calling for him right now as I write. His flock is missing him. And we are missing him. We are and he is very attached and was put first bird. All of them were rescues so they have a few delicate needs. He will be very noisy so you have been warned if you try to keep him and steal him. He was not just a pet. We even had his mum who has sadly passed away. We have had him about 6 or 7 years approx. And he has been a mated pair for about 4 years after we got him a mate. His flock and mate are missing him so much too. Please contact me even if you aren't sure.
He has a purple ankle band (can tell you and provide a picture of number!) , he is a typical looking male cockatiel. Yellow faced with orange cheeks . Mostly grey with white trimmed wings , no pied markings he is not speckled. He does have a slightly malformed nair ,it's slight . He will be loud and calling for his family alot. He might still have a slightly longer part on his lower beak that was left over when he had to have a beak trim. It might of warn down though. And one of his claws grows alot longer and faster than the rest too for some reason! So he might still have that.

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 16 Jul 2018 |
Breed | Cockatiel |
Dominant colour | Grey |
Gender | Male |
Approx age | 6 years ol |
Neutered | No |
Microchipped | No |
Location | BS4 |
Pet Listing ID | 87675 |
The following found pets are matches to this lost bird, these were listed on the lost bird register after this pet has gone missing.
# | Possible Found Pet Matches | Date Listed |
87755 | Found Bird Cockatiel from Bristol Avon | 20 Jul 2018 |
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