Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Haddon Sturminster Newton Dorset DT10

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around Haddon Sturminster Newton Dorset DT10

Reward Available for Safe Return

Our cat went missing on 25 Aug after 6pm after I fed him. We live in a rural area so are surrounded by fields and woodlands. Our cat enjoys hunting and hunts every morning and evening. However he always comes home for the night. So his disappearance is very uncharacteristic of him. I have searched the area for over 14 hours now and warned all the neighbours the day after he disappeared (I asked them to look into sheds and garages). I don't think he was run over by a car as I could not find him in verges; he is generally very weary of cars. I fear he might have been stolen as he is reasonably friendly (Steam Fair weekend attracts strange people doing strange things). Or he may have been killed by a stray or fox but I found no evidence at all through my searches. I don't think the farmers managing the pheasant shooting around me would have killed my cat.
My cat is mostly white with big black patches. He has an all-white tummy and chest and a white face. His back is mostly black and he has black patches on his head/forehead and the back of hind legs. He has a black tail. He has golden eyes, pink nose and ears. He has a soft and sweet miaow. He can be quite nervous when scared..

A tiny black mark above his left eye.

Missing Domestic Short Hair Cats in Haddon Sturminster Newton
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Missing since25 Aug 2017
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourBlack and White
Approx age7
Pet Listing ID83580

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