Lost Cat Persian from Oswestry Shropshire SY11

This lost Persian Cat was last seen around Oswestry Shropshire SY11

Reward Available for Safe Return

Chester was last seen at home on the 21/12/16 at approximately 1pm when father returned from work and Chester left the house when the door was opened.
Chester has an absolutely perfect temperament and would never bite or scratch.
Could be slightly timid around someone he doesn't know, and will always respond to his name as long as the person can be heard.
Chester is an all black male with what looks like a lion mane around his head and a fox like tail with a beautiful long fur coat and a relatively pointy face and beautiful green eyes. Very distinctive cat.

Chester is an all black male, with what looks like a lion mane around his head, and a fox like tail, and quite a pointy face and beautiful big green eyes Very distinctive cat.

Missing Cats in Oswestry
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Missing since21 Dec 2016
Dominant colourBlack
Approx age2 yrs 3 mo
Pet Listing ID78961

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