Lost Exotic Sheep from Winmarleigh Lancashire PR3

This lost Sheep Exotic was last seen around Winmarleigh Lancashire PR3

Reward Available for Safe Return

He disappeared from the farm the during the night, the day after I went on holiday. We have had no information since his disappearance, we cannot say for sure if he has been stolen or if he has managed to get out and wander off, but no body is coming forward with any information at all.

Hes a sheep, who looks a little goat like. He has a blue tag in his left ear and a yellow tag in his right ear. When his front legs are together, he has a white curvy line going from one leg to the other, and is really friendly as he was hand reared. He has white horns, which have a little bit of brown in them, and a white face with a brown nose.

Missing Sheep Exotics in Winmarleigh
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Missing since20 Sep 2016
Dominant colourBrown
Approx age6 months
Pet Listing ID77859

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