Lost Bird Pigeon from London Londonderry E16

This lost Pigeon Bird was last seen around London Londonderry E16

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I have found this pigeon my self, so not sure about the gender and age and this pigeon was very tame with me. He followed me in the kitchen. At night he flew on the highest shelf and slept there. At day time he jumpted to his box to drink water and eat seeds. Got scared of loud noise and flew outside and I am worried if such a tame and friendly bird can make it outside. It was unusual pigeon. Could someone tell me from the picture if it was a fancy show pigeon or racing one? Is it possible that he flew back to his original place? Does he have a chance to survive? I will be thankful for the info as I really got attached to this pigeon and he to me. He normally didnt try to fly out of the house even with all the windows open but got scared one time. He doesn't have a band on his leg. How old can he be?

pigeon white with black wings and black on top of head.

Missing Pigeon Birds in London
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Missing since01 Oct 2016
Dominant colourBlack and White
Approx age
Pet Listing ID77455

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