Lost Dog Spitz from Sn7 8et Faringdon Oxfordshire SN7

This lost Spitz Dog was last seen around Sn7 8et Faringdon Oxfordshire SN7

Reward Available for Safe Return

Quincy was stolen from our home in Faringdon Oxfordshire with 3 other dogs.

Thieves cut through a fence and stole the dogs from an outdoor run in our garden that over looks our house - we believe they were taken between 10.30am and 11.30am. They gained access from a bridleway that runs adjacent to our property.

We have now recovered the other dogs, one dog Kira was found in Cowley Oxford on Wednesday the 6th of April and the other 2 Dulcie & Primrose dogs were left tied up outside Pets at home in Nuneaton on Thursday the 7th of April.

As all of the dogs were found some distance away from our home then we feel Quincy may be any where in the UK

Japanese Spitz pure white with profuse stand off coat looks like a small samoyed - dark eyes and lips

Missing Spitz Dogs in Faringdon
ContactContact Member
Missing since02 Apr 2016
Dominant colourWhite
Approx age2 years
Pet Listing ID72951

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