Lost Cat Tortoiseshell from Hardwick Cambridgeshire CB23
This lost Tortoiseshell Cat was last seen around Hardwick Cambridgeshire CB23
Minnie was Lost on February 11, 2023 in Hardwick, England CB23 near Grace Crescent. Last seen under front porch of home
Message From Owner: Unfortunately Minnie is not chipped, nor does she wear a collar. She has never gone far from home, only stayed on the crescent where we live. It maybe she may have got into a vehicle as she liked to jump in and explore. Please share as we
desperately want her home, we miss her so much.
Description: Tortoiseshell cat 13 years old looks like she's
pregnant but not just well looked after! Has a broken tail so flops when she walks, and is partially blind and deaf but very friendly. Will be scared as never left home.
She has a broken tail about 3” down from the top so flops when she walks or runs

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 11 Feb 2023 |
Breed | Tortoiseshell |
Dominant colour | Multi-Coloured |
Gender | Female |
Approx age | 13 |
Microchipped | No |
Location | CB23 |
Pet Listing ID | 103614 |
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