Lost Cat Moggy from Hove East Sussex BN3

This lost Moggy Cat was last seen around Hove East Sussex BN3

Freya is a medium to large size neutered male cat. He likes to roam outside in the undergrowth and gardens backing on to 4 to 20 St Aubyns and the intersection with Namrik Mews and St Aubyns Gardens in Hove. He was last seen on the 9th although he may have returned for food after that date, as his food was eaten (but possibly by another cat). He is a very friendly cat, who likes a good stroke and hugs. He answers to the name of "Kitten'. Originally he was Freya until we discovered that he wasn't female. He may well be lodging somewhere else as he often didn't eat his dinner probably because he had eaten elsewhere. Recently there has been a lot of competition with other cats and he was being intimidated by a few larger and older cats - he may have fled because of this.

Freya is a medium to large black and white cat that has a very fluffy black tail. He has a thin white stripe down the front of his head.

Missing Moggy Cats in Hove
ContactContact Member
Missing since09 Sep 2022
Dominant colourBlack and White
Approx age1 year
Pet Listing ID102684

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