Found Cat Mixed Breed from West London Greater London SW10
This found Mixed Breed Cat was found around West London Greater London SW10
One of my Burmese cats came home with this cat early on morning of 29th May- my normally territorial cat was extremely friendly and apparently unfazed when this cat tried repeatedly to come into our house. This cat is very vocal and mewed almost continuously through the day and evening. The cat appears well but was hungry and I have fed and watered this cat both today and yesterday.I will continue to do so. I tried to put the cat in our cat box to take it to the vets to see if it is chipped but if was very alarmed by this and I gave up after getting scratched. My other cat was not happy to have the cat in the house either. The cat slept last night in my front garden area and is still outside.
Black cat with distinct white patches on chest and tummy although appears all black at distance. Short-haired but bushy tail which the cat seems to holds up in the air in distinct manner. Quite pointed face and ears. No obvious marks or nicks in ears or nose.

Contact | Contact Member |
Found | 29 May 2021 |
Breed | Mixed Breed |
Dominant colour | Black |
Gender | Unknown |
Approx age | 4 |
Microchipped | No |
Location | SW10 |
Pet Listing ID | 98537 |
The following lost pets are matches to this found cat, these were listed on the lost cat register after this pet was found.
# | Possible Lost Pet Matches | Date Listed |
103961 | Lost Cat Mixed Breed from Twickenham Green Greater London TW2 | 26 May 2023 |
100009 | Lost Cat Mixed Breed from Stratford Greater London E15 | 11 Oct 2021 |
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