Found Cat Unknown - Other from London Greater London N6

This found Unknown - Other Cat was found around London Greater London N6

He is always hungry and comes in to eat from my own cats bowls who surprisingly ignores him . He does appear older and dominant and my cat observes him but does not raise a challenge
He may have a home and is just out for the extra food however it would put my mind at ease to know he has a home as I have noticed several areas of concern with his health , and behavior
He has sometimes stiffness in his hind legs which appears to cause him discomfort at times . He is hungry for the wet food . This could be a gum problem as when he munches the treats, belonging to my cat, i can see its an effort
He wants to conserve energy and moves slowly . He disappeared for a while and returned with a shabbier coat than normal
He could have a home and that's great but I would love to know as will move soon and hate to think I have abandoned a stray
He is rarely vocal and is not wearing a collar He is longish thick black hair so I cannot tell if he has been neutered but I guess not as his neck is thick . If he is neutered it was done when he was older . No collar .
He is affectionate by rubbing against my hand but does not want to be pet
He has been mistreated by a human at some point as is hand shy and on alert
I will take his picture when he is next in the garden at a distance so as not to alarm him
He sometimes plays with my cats toys and loves his cat nip He recently discovered what my cats toys were
He is lovely. Is he yours ???
He wanders around the Back gardens and back alley way / walk way on archway road N6
My guess at his gender could be wrong but 95% sure he is male
He has an older regal look

This male black cat has been visiting for a while now . His ears are torn , one slighted folded down from old injuries . He appears slow on his feet and has a slight hair loss or shaved area on what i believe to be his left hind leg . He is quite large boy , thick neck.

Found Cats in London
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Found12 May 2021
BreedUnknown - Other
Dominant colourBlack
Approx age7?
Pet Listing ID98373

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