Found Cat Domestic Short Hair from Ilford,Essex Essex IG1

This found Domestic Short Hair Cat was found around Ilford,Essex Essex IG1

IG1 area.fully black.yellow eyes IT HAS HAIR LOSS NEAR THE EAR
eyes look green in picture but are really more ORANGE-YELOW/AMBER.
all black -whiskers next to mouth are BLACK
very slim and skinny(but that could be due to not being fed)
slowly gaining trust we can now feed her from hand but she/he hisses when we try and touch. seems to have been owned as if we leave the door open and leave it comes in but then runs away. also seems very domesticated.
more interested in drinking than food but still eats
already tried catching her with trap and inside shed but she is too smart
was vey vocal crying loudly when cornered by another cat on fence
please message for vidoes and more photos.

.IG1 area.fully black.yellow eyes IT HAS HAIR LOSS NEAR THE EAR
all black -whiskers next to mouth are BLACK
very slim and skinny(due to food available?)
vocal when cornered by another collar.more thirsty than hungry

Found Domestic Short Hair Cats in Ilford,Essex
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Found01 Jan 2021
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourBlack
Approx ageyoung
Pet Listing ID97668

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