Found Cat Semi-Long Hair from Coedpoeth Wrexham LL11

This found Semi-Long Hair Cat was found around Coedpoeth Wrexham LL11

Archie initially appeared in Coedpoeth in Wrexham in March, but I don't know the specific date. He appeared in the back garden of an elderly lady during a snowy day and she and the neighbour never reported him found and just began feeding him. He had no collar at that time. Recently, a visiting relative became concerned by how clearly this was a pet and not a stray, and began to try and get him to shelter and posted him missing on Facebook. We thought he may be ours and went to get him. As we were more aware of things like scanners, chips etc, we took him to help find his owner. He is living with my parents who are enjoying having a cat again, after losing theirs in January, and are taking good care of him

Archie (we got the name from his chip) is a large male tabby (he is bigger than our last cat which weighed 9lb) that seems to lie somewhere between domestic short hair and domestic long hair. He is certainly fluffy!!!!
His face and tummy are quite sandy, and he is quite rotund with shortish legs.
He is very laid back, friendly. He enjoys being petted and sitting with us but is less keen on being picked up.
He enjoys his food, likes to watch TV and is not afraid of noises that we have noticed - he refused to move off the floor for the vacuum today, and you can literally vacuum round him, or lift him to go under, and put him down again!
He enjoys his main food and an occasional treat but doesn't like cat yoghurt and isn't overly sold or persuaded easily using treats or food.
As yet, he hasn't shown any inclination to play, and although we know his last foster carers put him out at night, he has shown no interest in the door and hasn't asked to go out.
Litter trained.
He hated the crate and miaowed the entire car journey back to our house from where we picked him up.

Face and tummy are quite sandy.
I don't think he is long hair but he is very fluffy

Found Semi-Long Hair Cats in Coedpoeth
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Found01 Mar 2018
BreedSemi-Long Hair
Dominant colourTabby
Approx age
Pet Listing ID87796

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