Found Bird Canary from Livingstone Street, Norwich Norfolk NR2
This found Canary Bird was found around Livingstone Street, Norwich Norfolk NR2
CANARY, SMALL YELLOW BIRD found in Norwich, NORFOLK (NR2) on 26th June 2017
Location: Livingstone Street, Norwich, NR2
Sex: Unknown
Approx Age: Cannot Tell
Main Colour: Gold/Yellow
No Leg Ring or Id was found
Other Information: a very small canary , I think it is a canary did have a look, very quiet little thing, didn't mind being handled.a very small canary ,
Pets Located Reference:NR0090122

Contact | Contact Member |
Found | 26 Jun 2017 |
Breed | Canary |
Dominant colour | Yellow |
Gender | Unknown |
Approx age | |
Neutered | Unknown |
Microchipped | No |
Location | NR2 |
Pet Listing ID | 82354 |
The following lost pets are matches to this found bird, these were listed on the lost bird register after this pet was found.
# | Possible Lost Pet Matches | Date Listed |
102149 | Lost Bird Canary from California, Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR29 | 20 Jul 2022 |
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in Norfolk Contact Member
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