Found Cat Domestic Short Hair from Woodlesford Leeds West Yorkshire LS26

This found Domestic Short Hair Cat was found around Woodlesford Leeds West Yorkshire LS26

Found in the Pymont Drive area of Woodlesford.

Found Domestic Short Hair Cats in Leeds
ContactContact Member
Found09 Jan 2016
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourBlack
Approx age6
Pet Listing ID71044

The following lost pets are matches to this found cat, these were listed on the lost cat register after this pet was found.

# Possible Lost Pet Matches Date Listed
106658Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Leeds West Yorkshire LS1027 Jul 2024
106539Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from BRADFORD West Yorkshire BD306 Jul 2024
106201Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from WAKEFIELD West Yorkshire WF416 May 2024
103781Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Todmorden West Yorkshire OL1402 May 2023
101577Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF1211 May 2022
98312Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Bradford West Yorkshire BD706 May 2021
97041Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Menston West Yorkshire LS2914 Dec 2020
96971Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Pontefract West Yorkshire WF704 Dec 2020
95669Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Baildon West Yorkshire BD1725 Jul 2020
95021Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF1302 Jun 2020
94209Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Leeds West Yorkshire LS1527 Mar 2020
90644Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Bradford West Yorkshire BD931 Mar 2019
90640Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Bradford West Yorkshire BD931 Mar 2019
90609Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Burley In Wharfedale West Yorkshire LS2928 Mar 2019
90362Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Pontefract West Yorkshire 01 Mar 2019
90358Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Siddal, Halifax West Yorkshire HX301 Mar 2019
88784Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Leeds West Yorkshire LS924 Sep 2018
88699Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Leeds West Yorkshire LS1618 Sep 2018
86964Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from HALIFAX West Yorkshire HX103 Jun 2018
86916Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Wyke, Bradford West Yorkshire 30 May 2018

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