Found Dog Pomeranian from Hayle Cornwall TR27

This found Pomeranian Dog was found around Hayle Cornwall TR27

Dogs ages- depending on who answered my questions- 4 months, 14 months, and 19 months- so let's just say both are under 2! They could have come from anywhere in the country but were sighted in Cornwall today. Very quiet, placid dogs. Came across them today, tied up to traveller caravans and went over as, "Sandy"- now named, is just so cute and looks just like a teddy bear- very small and not so pointed muzzle and her companion- the white one. Was offered both for sale, at varying prices depending on who offered them to me. I just found it odd and suspicious that one would want to sell a family pet, to anyone and so enthusiastically.- so I just want to be sure there is no one out there missing their fur baby (ies). If you recognise either of these dogs, please get in touch as I can pass you on more information.

Just going on a gut feeling that today I came across 2 missing Pomeranians as I was offered them both for sale (at various prices depending on who offered them!) Both were young- below 2 years, if not younger. Placid-natured, both female. Both with traveller families.

Found Pomeranian Dogs in Hayle
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Found23 Jul 2022
Dominant colourWhite
Approx age1
Pet Listing ID102183

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